Descripción General
- Licenciado en ciencias aplicadas (Fisioterapia), Universidad de Sidney.
- Ph.D. (Medicina), Doctorado en Investigación del Manejo del Dolor por la Universidad de Sydney Instituto.
Formación complementaria
- Miembro del Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Australia.
- Honorable Miembro de la Asociación de Fisioterapia de Australia.
- Investigación en la Universidad de Queensland, la Universidad de Sidney y la Universidad de Oxford.
- Presidente inaugural de la cátedra de Fisioterapia en la Universidad de Australia del Sur.
- Director de PainAdelaide Stakeholders’ Consortium.
- Director de Body in Mind Research Group Universidad de Australia del Sur.
- Neuroscience Research Australia, en Sidney.
- Ciencia del dolor.
- Lorimer da conferencias sobre la ciencia del dolor a cursos de grado y postgrado.
- «Explicando el dolor».
- «Painful yarns».
Investigación reciente (Últimos 2 años)
- Harvie, D., Broeker, M., Smith, R., Meulders, A., Madden, J., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Bogus visual feedback alters movement-evoked pain onset in people with nect pain. Psychological Science Status, (accepted for publication, 10 November 2014).
- Moseley, G.L., Vlaeyen, JW. (2014) Beyond nociception – The imprecision hypothesis of chronic pain. Pain, (accepted for publication, 24 October 2014)
- von Piekartz, H., Wallwork, S.B., Mohr, G., Butler, D.S., Moseley, G.L. (2014) People with chronic facial pain perform worse than controls at a facial emotion recognition task; but it’s not all about the emotion. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, (accepted for publication, 4 October 2014).
- Di Pietro, F., Stanton, T.R., Moseley, G.L., Lotze, M., McAuley, J.H. (2014) Interhemispheric somatosensory differences in chronic pain reflect abnormality of the healthy side. Human Brain Mapping (In press, published online 25 September 2014).
- Berryman, C., Stanton, T.R., Bowering, K.J., Tabor, A., McFarlane, A., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Do people with chronic pain have impaired executive function? A meta-analytical review. Clinical Psychology Review, 34(7): 563–579.
- Catley, M.J., O’Connell, N.E., Berryman, C., Ayhan, F.F., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Is tactile acuity altered in people with Chronic Pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Pain, 15(10): 985-1000.
- Wiech, K., Edwards, R., Moseley, G.L., Berna, C., Ploner, M., Tracey, I. (2014) Dissociable neural mechanisms underlying the modulation of pain and anxiety? An fMRI pilot study. PLoS ONE, 9(12): e110654.
- Meulders, A., Harvie, D.S., Bowering, J.K., Caragianis, S., Vlaeyen, J.W.S., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Contingency learning deficits and generalization in chronic unilateral hand pain patients. The Journal of Pain, 15(10): 1046-1056.
- Gilpin, H.R., Bellan, V., Gallace, A., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Exploring the roles of body ownership, vision, and virtual reality on heat pain threshold. European Journal of Pain, 18(7):900-901.
- Auld, M., Russo, R., Moseley, G.L., Johnston, L.M. (2014) Determination of interventions for upper extremity tactile impairment in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56(9): 815-832.
- Bowering, K.J., Butler, D.S., Fulton, I.J., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Motor imagery in people with a history of back pain, current back pain, both, or neither. Clinical Journal of Pain.
- Traeger, A.C., Moseley, G.L., Hubscher, M., Lee, H., Skinner, I.W., Nicholas, M.K., Henschke, N., Refshauge, K.M., Blyth, F.M., Main, C.J., Hush, J.M., Pearce, G., McAuley, J.H. (2014) Pain education to prevent chronic low back paim: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 4: e005505.
- Gallace A, Soravia G, Cattaneo Z, Moseley G.L., Vallar G (2014) Temporary Interference over the Posterior Parietal Cortices Disrupts Thermoregulatory Control in Humans. PLoS ONE 9(3): e88209.
- Wand, B.M., Szpak, L., George, P.J., Bulsara, M.K., O’Connell, N.E., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Moving in an Environment of Induced Sensorimotor Incongruence Does Not Influence Pain Sensitivity in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomised Within-Subject Experiment. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e93701.
- Gilpin, H.R., Moseley, G.L., Stanton,T.R., Newport, R. (2014) Evidence for Distorted Mental Representation of the Hand in Osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (published online 22 September 2014).
- Wand, B.M., Stephens, S.E., Mangharam, E.I.M., Geroge, P.J., Bulsara, M.K., O’Connell, N.E.,Moseley, G.L. (2014) Illusory touch temporaily inproves sensation in areas of chronic numbness: A brief communication. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(8): 797-799.
- Harvie, D., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Exploring changes in the brain associated with recovery from phantom limb pain – the potential importance of telescoping. European Journal of Pain, 18: 601–602.
- Catley, M.J., Tabor, A., Miegel, R.G., Wand, B.M., Spence, C., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Show me the skin! Does seeing the back enhance tactile acuity at the back? Manual Therapy, 19(5): 461-466.
- Wand, B.M., Catley, M.J., Luomajoki, H.A., O’Sullivan, K.J., Di Pietro, F, O’Connell, N.E., Moseley, G.L. (2014) Lumbar tactile acuity is near identical between sides in health pain-free participants. Manual Therapy, 19(5): 504-507.
- Moseley, G.L., Herbert, R.D., Parsons, T., Lucas, S., Van Hilter, J.J., Marinus, J. (2014) Intense pain soon after wrist fracture strongly predicts who will develop complex regional pain syndrome: Prospective cohort study. Journal of Pain, 15(1): 16-23.
- Rio, E., Moseley, G.L., Purdam, C., Samiric, T., Kidgell, D., Pearce, A.J., Jaberzadeh, S., Cook, J. (2013) The pain of tendinopathy; physiological or pathophysiological? Sports Medicine, In press (published online 12 September 2013).
- Parkitny, L., McAuley, J.H., Kelly, P.J., Di Pietro, F., Cameron, B., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Multiplex cytokine concentration measurement: How much do the medium and handling matter. Mediators of Inflammation, 2013: Article 890706.
- Allen, H.G., Stanton, T.R., Di Pietro, F., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Social media release increases dissemination of original articles in the clinical pain sciences. PLOS One, 8(7): e68914.
- Wand, B.M., Keeves, J., Bourgoin, C., George, P.J., Smith, A.J., Occonnell, N.E., Moseley, G.L.(2013) Mislocalization of sensory information in people with chronic low back pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(8): 737-743.
- Catley, M.J., O’Connell, N.E., Moseley, G.L. (2013) How good is the neurophysiology of pain questionnaire? A rasch analysis of psychometric properties. Journal of Pain, 14(8): 818-27.
- Wand, B.M., Abbaszadeh, S., Smith, A.J., Catley, M.J., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Acupuncture applied as a sensory discrimination training tool decreases movement-related pain in patients with chronic low back pain more than acupuncture alone: a randomised cross-over experiment. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47(17): 1085-1089.
- Berryman, C., Stanton, T.R., Bowering, K.J., Tabor, A., McFarlane, A., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Evidence for working memnory deficits in chronic pain: A systematic review and meta analysis. Pain, 154(8): 1181-1196.
- Tabor, A., Catley, M.J., Gandevia, S., Thacker, M.A., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Perceptual bias in pain: A wtch looks closer when it will relieve pain than when it won’t. Pain, 154(10): 1961-5.
- Moseley, G.L., Gallace, A., di Pietro, F., Spence, C., Iannetti, G.D. (2013) Limb-specific autonomic dysfunction in complex regional pain syndrome modulated by wearing prism glasses. Pain, (accepted for publication).
- Di Pietro, F., McAuley, J.H., Parkitny, L., Lotze, M., Wand, B.M., Moseley, G.L., Stanton, T.R. (2013) Primary motor cortex function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain, 14(11): 1270-88.
- Catley, M.J., Tabor, A., Wand, B.M., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Assessing tactile acuity in rheumatology and musculoskeletal medicine – how reliable are two-point discrimination tests at the neck, hand, back and foot? Rheumatology, 52(8): 1454-61.
- Wallwork, S.B., Butler, D.S., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Dizzy people perform no worse at a motor imagery task requiring whole body mental rotation;a case-control comparison. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 7 article 258: 1-6.
- Walz, A.D., Usichenko, T., Moseley, G.L., Lotze, M. (2013) Graded Motor Imagery and the Impact on Pain Processing in a Casd of CRPS. The Clinical Journal of Pain: 29(3): 276-279.
- Stanton, T.R, Lin, C.W.C., Bray, H., Smeets, R.J.E.M., Taylor, D., Law, R.Y.W., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Tactile acuity is disrupted in osteoarthritis but is unrelated to disruptions in motor imagery performance. Rheumatology, 52(8): 1509-19.
- Bowering, K.J, O’Connell, N.E, Tabor, A, Catley, M.J, Leake, H.B, Moseley, G.L., Stanton, T.R. (2013) The effects of graded motor imagery and its components on chronic pain: a systematic review and meta analysis. The Journal of Pain, 14(1): 3-13.
- Wallwork, S.B., Butler, D.S., Fulton, I., Stewart, H., Darmawan, I., Moseley, G.L. (2013) Left/right neck rotation judgments are affected by age, gender, handedness and image rotation. Manual Therapy, 18: 225-230.
- Gallagher, L., McAuley, J., Moseley, G.L. (2013) A randomised controlled trial of using a book of metaphors to reconceptualise pain and decrease catastrophising in people with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(1): 20-25.
- O’Connell, N., Wand, B., Bunce, D., Maskill, D., Marston, L., Cossar, J., DeSouza, L., Moseley, G.L.(2013) Transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex in the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain. A randomised, double-blind exploratory study. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(1): 26-34.
- Sambo, CF, Torta, DM, Gallace, A, Liang, M, Moseley, G.L., Iannetti, GD. (2013) The temporal order judgement of tactile and nociceptive stimuli is impaired by crossing the hands over the body midline. Pain, 154(2): 242-7.
- Parkitny, L., McCauley, J.H., Di Pietro, F., Stanton, T.R., O’Connell, N.E., Marinus, J., Van Hilten, J.J.,Moseley, G.L. (2013) Inflammation i complex regional pain syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurology, (80):106-117.