Dr. David Cruz Díaz

Descripción general.

  • Profesor Titular de Universidad del Grado en Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Jaén.
  • Doctor en Fisiopatología Deportiva por la Universidad de Jaén.
  • Diplomado en Fisioterapia Universidad de Jaén.
  • Máster Oficial en Investigación y Docencia en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y de la Salud.
  • Diplomado en Educación Física Universidad de Jaén.
  • Graduado en Educación Física.
  • Director Máster en Fisioterapia Neuromusculoesquelética de la Universidad de Jaén.
  • Director Experto Universitario en Pilates Clínico para Fisioterapeutas.
  • Docente en diversos Máster Oficiales y Títulos propios en centros Universitarios de España, Italia y Estados Unidos.


Formación complementaria.

  • Máster en Fisioterapia Manual Ortopédica.
  • Experto Universitario en Fisioterapia Manual Avanzada.
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) por la National Strength and Conditioning Association (USA).
  • Experto en Pilates Clínico.
  • Formación en Mulligan Concept.
  • Formación en método McConnell.
  • Formación en neurodinámica clínica con David Butler.
  • Formación en control motor con Paul Hodges.



  • Profesor Titular Grado en Fisioterapia Universidad de Jane.
  • Profesor invitado Universidad de Miami, USA.
  • Profesor invitado Universidad de Southern California, USA.
  • Profesor invitado Universidad de Nueva York, USA.
  • Profesor invitado Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.
  • Profesor Invitado Universidad de Gabriele d’Annunzio, Italia.
  • Profesor Invitado Universidad de Padova, Italia.
  • Profesor Invitado Universidad de Ceske Budejovice, República Checa.
  • Profesor Invitado Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Profesor Invitado Universidad de Montenegro, Montenegro.
  • Profesor invitado Universidad de Bezmialem, Turquía.
  • Profesor de postgrado en diversas formaciones nacionales e internacionales.



Profesor Titular de Universidad con más de 50 publicaciones en revistas de impacto.

  • Evaluating the Impact of Flossing Band Integration in Conventional Physiotherapy for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.
  • Effects of Hypopressive Abdominal Training on Ventilatory Capacity and Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • The Role of Physical Exercise in the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manual Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  • What interventions can treat arthrogenic muscle inhibition in patients with chronic ankle instability? A systematic review with meta-analysis.
  • The Influence of Weight Loss in Postural Control in Women Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy.
  • The effects of an 8-week hypopressive exercise training program on urinary incontinence and pelvic floor muscle activation: A randomized controlled trial.
  • The Role of Facebook® in Promoting a Physically Active Lifestyle: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  • Comparative Effects of Neuromuscular- and Strength-Training Protocols on Pathomechanical, Sensory-Perceptual, and Motor-Behavioral Impairments in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability: Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Effects of global postural reeducation on postural control, dynamic balance, and ankle range of motion in patients with hallux abducto valgus. A randomized controlled trial.
  • Short-Term Effects of Balance Training with Stroboscopic Vision for Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability: A Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • The Effects of Abdominal Hypopressive Training on Postural Control and Deep Trunk Muscle Activation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Reliability of an Integrated Inertial Sensor for the Continuous Measurement of Active Cervical Range of Motion in a Group of Younger and Elderly Individuals.
  • Associations of sleep and depression with obesity and sarcopenia in middle-aged and older adults.
  • The Influence of Pilates Exercises on Body Composition, Muscle Strength, and Gait Speed in Community-Dwelling Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Effectiveness of A Pilates Training Program on Cognitive and Functional Abilities in Postmenopausal Women.
  • Effects of Physical Exercise on Sexual Function and Quality of Sexual Life Related to Menopausal Symptoms in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review.
  • Ankle-Joint Self-Mobilization and CrossFit Training in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Sarcopenia and Quality of Life, a Quality of Life Questionnaire Specific for Sarcopenia.
  • Changes in Spinal and Corticospinal Excitability in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.
  • Physical Exercise Is Confirmed to Reduce Low Back Pain Symptoms in Office Workers: A Systematic Review of the Evidence to Improve Best Practices in the Workplace.
  • Nordic Walking Promoted Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese People: A Systematic Review for Future Exercise Prescription.
  • Effects of Pilates training on sleep quality, anxiety, depression and fatigue in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial.
  • The associations between menopausal symptoms and sleep quality in Spanish postmenopausal women.
  • Effects of Pilates on fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly women: A randomized, controlled trial.
  • Effects of 12 Weeks of Tai Chi Intervention in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • The female sexual function index: reliability and validity in Spanish postmenopausal women.
  • Suspension Training HIIT Improves Gait Speed, Strength and Quality of Life in Older Adults.
  • Effect of exercise alone or combined with dietary supplements on anthropometric and physical performance measures in community-dwelling elderly people with sarcopenic obesity: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
  • Risk of Falls in Healthy Older Adults: Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training Using Lower Body Suspension Exercises.
  • The effectiveness of 12 weeks of Pilates intervention on disability, pain and kinesiophobia in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
  • Exercise alone or combined with dietary supplements for sarcopenic obesity in community-dwelling older people: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
  • Development of the human shoulder joint during the embryonic and early fetal stages: anatomical considerations for clinical practice.
  • Sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in Spanish community-dwelling middle-aged and older women: Association with balance confidence, fear of falling and fall risk.
  • Comparative effects of 12 weeks of equipment based and mat Pilates in patients with Chronic Low Back Pain on pain, function and transversus abdominis activation. A randomized controlled trial.
  • Sleep quality and its association with postural stability and fear of falling among Spanish postmenopausal women.
  • Psychometric properties of the medical outcomes study sleep scale in Spanish postmenopausal women.
  • The Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale: reliability and validity in Spanish patients with vestibular disorders.
  • Fall prevention in postmenopausal women: the role of Pilates exercise training.
  • Ultrasound Changes in Achilles Tendon and Gastrocnemius Medialis Muscle on Squat Eccentric Overload and Running Performance.
  • Short- and long-term effects of a six-week clinical Pilates program in addition to physical therapy on postmenopausal women with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
  • Effects of a six-week Pilates intervention on balance and fear of falling in women aged over 65 with chronic low-back pain: A randomized controlled trial.
  • Effects of 6 Weeks of Balance Training on Chronic Ankle Instability in Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Osteosarcopenic obesity and fall prevention strategies.
  • Effects of in-water passive recovery on sprint swimming performance and heart rate in adolescent swimmers.
  • Association of bone mineral density with postural stability and the fear of falling in Spanish postmenopausal women.
  • Effects of joint mobilization on chronic ankle instability: a randomized controlled trial.
  • The Spanish lower extremity functional scale: a reliable, valid and responsive questionnaire to assess musculoskeletal disorders in the lower extremity.
  • Embryonic and early fetal period development and morphogenesis of human craniovertebral junction.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT): an instrument to assess unilateral chronic ankle instability.
  • Además ha participado con más de 100 aportaciones a Congresos Internacionales.