Diagnosis and Treatment of herniated lumbar disc - Instema, Formación para fisioterapeutas

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  3. El segundo pago (50% restante) debe realizarse 15 días antes del inicio del curso. También se puede realizar el pago completo del curso en el momento de la matrícula.
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    • Diagnosis and Treatment of herniated lumbar disc
    • Diagnosis and Treatment of herniated lumbar disc
    • Diagnosis and Treatment of herniated lumbar disc

    Diagnosis and Treatment of herniated lumbar disc


    Low back pain and lumbosciatalgia are without doubt the most frequent reason why patients need to attend our appointments.

    Among the causes that cause this lumbar pain, there are no doubts about disc origin disorders, bien sean protrusions or discal hernias which, in addition, make us uncomfortable when it comes to organizing a correct treatment due to the great ignorance we have about them.

    Today, we have enough data to plan a correct evaluation, diagnosis and conservative treatment of disc disorders and to guide the patient suffering from this condition through the recommended activities, specific objectives without always associating disc hernia with surgery.

    The course includes certification with the international endorsement of the postgraduate institute in manual therapy, INSTEMA


    • Anatomo-functional recovery of the intervertebral disc and the disc-somatic segment, their morphology, physiology and histology
    • Factors and mechanisms that predispose to suffer a Protrusion or Hernia Disc.
    • Learning the positioning of the Physiotherapist and the Patient for the correct execution of manipulative techniques.
    • Learn to position the patient in the watery phase to neutralize symptoms and reduce disc pressure.
    • Indications and contraindications of the different Manual Therapy techniques.
    • Classification of discal protrusions and Herniated Disks.
    • Pathophysiology of disc degeneration.
    • Repercussion of the sport on the patient who has suffered a Hernia Disc.
    • Study and interpretation of antialgic positions.
    • Basic concepts on radiological interpretation and magnetic resonance
    • Diagnosis and Evaluation of the different dysfunctional scales.
    • Treatment of protrusions and :
    • Articulatory, Myotensive and Manipulative Manual Therapy Techniques.
    • Positioning techniques
    • Progression techniques from the acute phase to full recovery.
    • Prevention.


    • Learn to establish a clinical and diagnostic reasoning to determine the scope and severity of the disc injury, whether it is due to degeneration, protrusion or herniated disc.
    • Know the Anatomy and Biomechanics of the lumbar joint segment, as well as the physiology, morphology and histology of the intervertebral disc.
    • Learn to determine the correct position of the patient in each of the different dysfunctions, especially in the acute phase of pain.
    • Find out about the techniques we apply in consultation with your indications and contraindications
    • Know the different types of discal hernias, their form of presentation, symptoms and treatment of the same.
    • Establish a therapeutic protocol to be able to carry it out in the different phases of pain presentation, acute, chronic, etc.
    • Know the preventive guidelines for postural hygiene in the face of a herniated disc.
    • Plan the incorporation into the activity of daily life, work or sport after having undergone a discal process, as well as the recommendations at home.
    • Know and practice the different safer Manual Therapy techniques for patients who suffer from back pain or sciatica of disc origin



    17 & 18 february, 2022